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Dutch Van Sumple (100000340286868)
United States - Iowa - Carroll
9 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
03-Sep-2014 19:12
Will trade cards:
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I'm on here looking for good trades, mostly ones that work out well for both parties. Almost all of my cards are mint to near mint condition, If i'm not using them in decks they are stored in boxes away from heat, light , and moisture. I am willing to trade down for things value wise, especially if I need the cards I would be receiving for decks I am in the middle of building. For value, I just stick with the deckbox suggested price, though I am willing to go by something else if you would prefer.

I always ship in toploaders with penny sleeves and I am more than willing to ship first though I would prefer if we shipped at the same time, mostly because I don't enjoy the extended delay to get the traded cards that comes with shipping first, it's like having to wait for Christmas to come. If a trade amount is uneven, I collect legendary things so those can always be used to shore up a trade amount. I have nowhere near my full collection on here so If you are looking for something in particular just ask, chances are I might not have it as I started playing around Dragon's Maze but I do still have a nice number of cards.

If I am a stickler on one thing it's promptness, I don't expect anybody to be hovering over this website constantly but responding to a trade offer or a configuration or something of that sort within twelve or so hours shouldn't be hard. Especially in this technological age where we can get email alerts for just about everything.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and happy trading!

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