releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Adam Fountain (10208541268321714)
Premium User
United States - Washington - Edmonds
126 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
15-Mar-2025 20:09
Will trade cards:
Ships sold cards to:
United States
Member of:
MTG Market
User Bio
I'm looking to complete the Dr. Who set.  I will give 2x value for missing Dr. Who cards.

I also have the following to trade:
One of each of the four Dr. Who Planechase boxes with cardboard cutouts and dice (no cards)
Avatar War of the Gods Comic Books #1-3, 1991
MTG Origins Deck Builder's Toolkit (unopened)
1 Ixalan - Planeswalker Deck [Huatli] - Ixalan (XLN). NO Huatli card!, but everything else unopened and mint.
1 Rivals of Ixalan - Planeswalker Deck [Vraska] - Rivals of Ixalan (RIX). NO Vraska card!, but everything else unopened and mint.
1 Ixalan - Planeswalker Deck [Jace] - Ixalan (XLN). NO Jace card!, but everything else unopened and mint.
1 Rivals of Ixalan - Planeswalker Deck [Angrath] - Rivals of Ixalan (RIX). NO Angrath card!, but everything else unopened and mint.
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