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Tyson Pettegrew (10209542662627128)
United States - Utah - Santa Clara
2 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
11-Oct-2016 16:38
Will trade cards:
My Continent
User Bio
I was really into magic during the Mirrodin block and then traveled for a few years. I really like the new Innistrad set and am looking to trade only but will take offers. Most of my cards are NM-M ask for pictures, because I will as well. I'm also located in St. George UT not Santa Clara (it's a neighboring city) I couldn't find St. George.

I have a bunch of other cards not listed, especially commons and un-commons from the Mirrodin block, Rise of the Eldrazi, M10, M11, M12. If you want to do a three-way trade I'm very willing. I also use TCG as an extra resource, and will take, in some cases, value trades purely to even the $ value.

I try to be accommodating, feel free to ask any questions. I want things to run smoothly. I'm brand new to this so please be a little patient with me, but you shouldn't have too much to worry about.
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