- MTG DECKS (116)
Current EDH
com big boi
com Mine
com Punish me Pippin
EDH concepts
sta Banana Bag
sta BlackK
sta Overplayed Bag
sta Sneks
sta Stop
French Concepts
vin (1v1) affinity
mod (1v1) Beetleborg
vin (1v1) Blink
leg (1v1) Blue Devotion
vin (1v1) Death, Taxes, and Eldrazi
vin (1v1) Frog Hates Land
vin (1v1) Grave Resource Denial
vin (1v1) Izzet Burnboi
vin (1v1) Land Eater
vin (1v1) Lantern 2.0
leg (1v1) Merfolk
leg (1v1) Mono blue stompy
vin (1v1) Prowess
vin (1v1) Pumps n shit
vin (1v1) Queen of FUD
vin Blue Balls
vin Cat Beats
vin Copy of skullbriar aggro
vin DOOM
leg Douchelord Supreme
leg It burns
leg Kess Hates Lands
vin Little dudes
leg Mr. Teeg
vin Peasant Tears
leg Rakdos
vin Skullbriar test
vin Smokestack
vin Stompy
vin Tasigur
vin Varolz Beats
Retired EDH
com ¿ʎᴎı⊥
leg (1v1) God of Top Decks
leg (OATH) Flasher
vin (OATH) of Liliana
mod (SC) BEAT
mod (SC) VAMP
mod (SC) Yeh
vin 75 crusher
vin Activated
vin Artifacts lol
leg Bad Manners
sta Bicycle
vin Birdie Beats
vin Birdie went evil
vin Boros is back
vin Brian is jelly
vin burnnbeats
vin BUTT
vin Butt grinder
vin Deck Brian
vin DEFCON 1
sta die
vin Dirty Old Reanimator
vin Discard & tears
sta Don't touch me
sta Doom
vin Dripping evil
sta Enchanting
vin Fabulous Hugs
vin Face crusher
sta Fair Magic
com Feta
leg Flip it
vin From the Dead
vin Fun for all
vin Gay boys
sta Gravestorm
vin Gravetide
vin grrr
vin Ishai//Thrasios
vin Jessica's Ruric
vin Joy-ra
vin kessticles
vin Lantern Control 2.0
vin Laser Beams
vin Lazav
vin Mardu equipment
leg Miracle Grow
vin Naya Lands
vin Oppress me Pippin
vin Paul deck
vin pox
vin Purph Daddy
sta Rock n' Roll
com She's back
vin Sol Rings Squared
vin Soul Crushing Spike
vin Sram Bam
vin Stealsies
vin Storm v2
vin Thada 2
vin The Police
sta Top of the morning to ya
vin Troll toll
vin What's my color again?
vin Wombo Hippo Combo
sta Won't Die
vin You're a bird wizard Harry
vin Zedruu is a dick
vin Zombie Mill
sta Lantern Reference
vin Reserve List EDH cards
sta Shadowbag Reference
sta Treasure Reference
Justin Kaseman (1093709897348071)

User Bio
Multiplayer and French/Duel EDH Player.
Prefer to trade reserved list/invocations for likewise. Condition and set will be double checked prior to confirming the trade, but most cards should be LP/NM
Prefer to send in PWE without tracking to save on postage, but if a bubble mailer and tracking is preferred please say so.
Also have a duel deck Blue Eyes White Dragon and some of the more valuable base set pokemon cards from my childhood if anyone is interested.
Prefer to trade reserved list/invocations for likewise. Condition and set will be double checked prior to confirming the trade, but most cards should be LP/NM
Prefer to send in PWE without tracking to save on postage, but if a bubble mailer and tracking is preferred please say so.
Also have a duel deck Blue Eyes White Dragon and some of the more valuable base set pokemon cards from my childhood if anyone is interested.