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Jake Wright (1297192296977029)
United States - Arkansas - Kingsland
4 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
31-May-2017 23:40
Will trade cards:
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User Bio
Hello!  My name is Jake, I play EDH and Modern, and have been on Deckbox for short bursts in the past, but am just now getting serious about it.

-All cards listed should be between NM-LP, but if condition is a concern I am more than happy to confirm.

-I can only ship in country and do so in a Toploader for <$25 trades, a bubble mailer w/ tracking for anything higher than that. 

-If you see something in my tradelist but don't have anything on my Wishlist, I am more than willing to take a look at your trades, although I may ask for a small markup if there's nothing that I need there.

-Sometimes, Deckbox's pricing can be off, so I prefer to work off of tcgplayer market or mid for pricing.
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