Jared Clark (638781225)
User Bio
Update 11/14/2022 currently looking for transformers and the my little pony collections. I spent 2 years just putting my pre-covid -lock- down-collection into deck box site.I hope to get everything else logged online.
Rules of understanding and empathy
1. I can't be for sure if I got quality or quantity correct so I will check and message before excepting trades.
2. I do sleeved top loaders with a normal stamp trade for under $25. Over $25 I Will send cards sealed in sleeves and top loaders with tracking
3. Low rating I may ask for you to send first.
4. I will never get mad about how long it takes to trade with me. I have a chronic illness that makes life very difficult for me.
5. My wish list is cards I do want for my 167 decks. Just give me time to look at what you got.
6. If you'd like to trade cards to me for my art work. You may offer me a trade of 40$ or more and I will send you a piece of my art of equivalent value.
7. "Sweeten the pot"
8. Everything I own has a price. But I'm not looking to cash out.
I collect vampires and dragons. So those will sweeten the pot. Even promos, oversized cards, sleeves, and tokens of vampires and dragons. Really looking for the godzilla lands and any secret lairs. Also I major trade for the transformers and My Little Pony cards. If you get an extra box, I'd love to traded ya for it.
Yes I creat art. I'm not talking just altering cards. I'm I've done 4ft by 2.5ft but most commonly it's 12inch by 12inch .impressionism and abstract. I love painting and creating art for people.
I also have tons tokens just let me know what you collect. And basic lands from all but alpha and beta. If you are trying to complete a set I don't mind helping out.
Biggest trade: $300
Largest trade shipped: 187 cards
Rules of understanding and empathy
1. I can't be for sure if I got quality or quantity correct so I will check and message before excepting trades.
2. I do sleeved top loaders with a normal stamp trade for under $25. Over $25 I Will send cards sealed in sleeves and top loaders with tracking
3. Low rating I may ask for you to send first.
4. I will never get mad about how long it takes to trade with me. I have a chronic illness that makes life very difficult for me.
5. My wish list is cards I do want for my 167 decks. Just give me time to look at what you got.
6. If you'd like to trade cards to me for my art work. You may offer me a trade of 40$ or more and I will send you a piece of my art of equivalent value.
7. "Sweeten the pot"
8. Everything I own has a price. But I'm not looking to cash out.
I collect vampires and dragons. So those will sweeten the pot. Even promos, oversized cards, sleeves, and tokens of vampires and dragons. Really looking for the godzilla lands and any secret lairs. Also I major trade for the transformers and My Little Pony cards. If you get an extra box, I'd love to traded ya for it.
Yes I creat art. I'm not talking just altering cards. I'm I've done 4ft by 2.5ft but most commonly it's 12inch by 12inch .impressionism and abstract. I love painting and creating art for people.
I also have tons tokens just let me know what you collect. And basic lands from all but alpha and beta. If you are trying to complete a set I don't mind helping out.
Biggest trade: $300
Largest trade shipped: 187 cards