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- MTG DECKS (46)
- mod Burn
- mod Mardu Burn
- leg Pauper Burn
- vin 5 color Angels
- vin Dragon's Command
- leg Elementary
- vin karametra
- vin Wade Into Battle
- vin Zombies Commander
- sta Boros Std
- mod BW Vampires
- mod BW Vampires 2
- mod Monored
- sta monored ravinca
- mod Naya Dinos
- sta Naya Dragons
- mod Ramunap Red
- mod RG Pummeler
- mod RG Pummeler tournament
- mod Temur Energy
- mod Temur Energy after Ban
- sta white knights
- mod Abzan
- mod Abzan Modern
- mod Abzan Modern 2
- mod BG Garruk
- mod BUG
- mod Children of the NIght
- mod Evil Dragons
- vin GU Planeswalker
- leg Hollow One
- mod Jeskai burn
- mod Kruphix
- leg Limited GW
- mod Minotaurs Modern
- mod Mono Green
- leg Ninjas
- sta Norin the What?
- mod Rebels
- leg Scions
- mod Slivers
- vin Temur Modern
- vin Temur Monsters
- mod Temur Morph
- mod Temur Nissa
- leg The Legend of the Dragons
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