Peter Twieg (9700377)
- Location:
United States - Ohio - Kent
- Score:
2099 (100%) -
2026 6 0
73 1 0
- Last seen online:
- 18-Mar-2022 07:10
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Ships sold cards to:
- United States, Canada

User Bio
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I'll be traveling for a while starting on 5/15 so I'll be putting my profile on vacation mode on 4/30. If you want to trade any cards with me please make sure that any proposals are accepted by this time!
- Right now I'm only looking to trade if the value is significantly (30%) in my favor, usually using tcgmid/tcgmedian pricing. This might seem high but honestly right now I'm mostly trying to sell off my collection so I'm only going to trade if it's pretty appealing to me, so if your proposal doesn't meet this criteria I'll probably pass on it. Also, I prefer larger trades to smaller ones, and I will likely pass on trades worth less than $70 (on my side) unless they are particularly attractive.
- The upside of the previous rule is that I'm willing to take most any NM english cards worth over $7 or so that I don't already have a ton of copies of and I'm willing to trade most any cards for them. I try to keep my wishlist up to date to reflect this but please keep in mind that I'm not perfect in this regard. I'll trade duals, ZEN fetches, Snapcasters, etc. for piles of $10 standard cards on these terms. Most other users will not. Think of me as offering a very competitive buylist if you want.
- My wishlist has a lot of cards on it, but I'm also interested in a lot of foils worth over $10 that I can't put on my list since there are so many. If you're offering older foils I might ask you to send your package first since I've been burned repeatedly by receiving cloudy/scratched "NM" foils that looked okay in pics.
- For RL cards, I'll often accept SP copies but my general policy is to knock 15% off their NM value if I do.
- If your karma is lower than mine I may ask you to send first. This will depend on the size of the trade.
- Right now I'm only looking to trade if the value is significantly (30%) in my favor, usually using tcgmid/tcgmedian pricing. This might seem high but honestly right now I'm mostly trying to sell off my collection so I'm only going to trade if it's pretty appealing to me, so if your proposal doesn't meet this criteria I'll probably pass on it. Also, I prefer larger trades to smaller ones, and I will likely pass on trades worth less than $70 (on my side) unless they are particularly attractive.
- The upside of the previous rule is that I'm willing to take most any NM english cards worth over $7 or so that I don't already have a ton of copies of and I'm willing to trade most any cards for them. I try to keep my wishlist up to date to reflect this but please keep in mind that I'm not perfect in this regard. I'll trade duals, ZEN fetches, Snapcasters, etc. for piles of $10 standard cards on these terms. Most other users will not. Think of me as offering a very competitive buylist if you want.
- My wishlist has a lot of cards on it, but I'm also interested in a lot of foils worth over $10 that I can't put on my list since there are so many. If you're offering older foils I might ask you to send your package first since I've been burned repeatedly by receiving cloudy/scratched "NM" foils that looked okay in pics.
- For RL cards, I'll often accept SP copies but my general policy is to knock 15% off their NM value if I do.
- If your karma is lower than mine I may ask you to send first. This will depend on the size of the trade.