- AKL's profile
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- MTG DECKS (40)
Standard Binder
- sta Std. Black
- sta Std. Blue
- sta Std. Colorless
- sta Std. Green
- sta Std. Land
- sta Std. Multicolor
- sta Std. Red
- sta Std. White
- sta Tokens
- oth Black Collection
- oth Colorless Collection
- oth Land Collection
- sta ManaRocks Collection
- sta White Collection
- mod MDN - Hammer
- sta STD - Boros Burn
- sta STD- GB Midrange
- sta STD-Golgari sacrifice
EDH Decks
- com Adeline, Combat
- com Inalla, shenanigans
- com Jhoira, Free Artifacts
- com Malcolm, Big Spells
- com Rielle - Discard_2023
- com Thalia, Budget v00
EDH Ideas
- com Obeka, Swift End
- com Ovika, BUDGET
EDH Staples
- sta Izzet Staples
OLD EDH (disassembeled)
- com Aesi, Landfall
- com Arjun - Self Chaos
- com Blim's Bad Gifts
- com COM: Rielle - Wheel
- com Nin, Steal+Sacrifice
- com Octavia, Unblockable v0
- com Octavia, Unblockable v1
- com Octavia, Unblockable v2
- sta Old1 Rielle Izzet Commander
- com RAVNICA: Mirko
- sta Rielle - Wheel 2020
- com Rielle Izzet Commander (Trials)
- com Veyran - Storm
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