- Location:
Italy - Sicilia - Capo d_Orlando
- Score:
22 (100%) -
22 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 10-Jan-2017 23:22
- Will trade cards:
- Worldwide
- Member of:
- SNEC Magic Players Community, Reddit MTG Trades, The European MTG League, MTG Targu Mures, Gameflux, Trondheim Magic, Gruppo MTG Italia, MTG Brasov, Games Academy, Paladins Sword, Vintage Friends, Deckmaster, WHI Czwa, EPHOR, Gamezilla Saint John, Ohio the gathering, Food Regime, Canadian Traders, MtG Opole
User Bio
I'm looking for new friends to trade cards ;)
If you need some card that is in my tradelist, just propose a trade. Don't worry if you have no card that are in my wishlist. Just say to me and i will give a look to your tradelist.
I'll accept cards in every language. i'll ever say if card are not Mint or Near Mint.
I'll trade in Worldwide!
If you need some card that is in my tradelist, just propose a trade. Don't worry if you have no card that are in my wishlist. Just say to me and i will give a look to your tradelist.
I'll accept cards in every language. i'll ever say if card are not Mint or Near Mint.
I'll trade in Worldwide!