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ArcaneVoid (ArcaneVoid)
United States - Louisiana - Des Allemands
36 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
17-Jan-2017 09:07
Will trade cards:
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Member of:
Reddit MTG Trades
This user has set their status to on vacation. You can not trade or buy cards from them until they come back. Feel free to check out their bio or send them an email to ask for details.
User Bio
I've been an avid magic player since Onslaught block. My favorite format is draft, but I also play a lot of Standard and Commander, sometimes dipping into Modern.

I have a few trades under my belt now, but let me know what I can do to make you feel safe trading with me. I try to get to the post office the first morning after the trade is negotiated. If you catch me early enough, it's possible I'll send the cards out that same day.

Before confirming a trade, I go through my binders to make sure I have the card in question (to insure against memory failures), and check it against the advertised condition with extra scrutiny. If I feel a card's condition is borderline, I will gladly upload some pictures to imgur to allow you to decide for yourself.

I look forward to trading with you!
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