- ARZIEL's profile
- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (79)
Casual Decks
Draft Decks
1st Place Draft Decks
Aether Revolt Draft
Alara Block
Conspiracy Draft
Dragons of Tarkir Draft
Eternal Masters Draft
Hour of Devastation
Innistrad block
Modern Masters 2017
RTR Block
Theros Draft
MTG Collection
Alara Box
Scars Artifact Box
- mod Alara Reborn
- mod Conflux
- mod Duel Decks - Izzet
- mod Shards of Alara
Box 1
- mod Betrayers of Kamigawa
- leg Eternal Masters
- mod Lorwyn
- mod Shadowmoor
Box 2
- leg Core Set - White
- leg Invasion block
Box 3
- mod Return to Ravnica
- mod Time Spiral
Box 4
- mod Dragon's Maze
- mod Future Sight
- mod Gatecrash
- mod Guildpact
Box 5
- mod Avacyn Restored
- mod Dissension
- leg Mirage block
- mod Mirrodin block
- mod Ravnica
Green Core
- leg Core Set - Green
- mod Modern Masters
Innistrad / Dark Ascension
- mod Dark Ascension
- mod Innistrad
Morningtide / Eventide
- mod Eventide
- mod Fate Reforged
- mod Morningtide
Red Core
- leg Core Set - Red
- mod Dragons of Tarkir
Scars Box...
- leg Duel Decks - Knights
- mod Scars - Black
- mod Scars - Blue
- mod Scars - Green
- mod Scars - Red
- mod Scars - White
- mod Theros
Zendikar Box
- mod Rise of the Eldrazi
- mod Worldwake
- mod Zendikar
- mod BFZ
- leg Conspiracy: Take the Crown
- leg Core Set - Blue
- mod Kaladesh
- leg Masques block
- leg Onslaught block
- leg Portal
- leg Tempest block
- sta Aether Revolt FP
- mod Core Set - Artifact
- mod Eldritch Moon
- mod Magic Origins
- sta Modern Masters 2017
- sta Mythics, Foils, Legends
- mod Oath of the Gatewatch
- mod Shadows over Innistrad
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Please consider subscribing to a Deckbox Premium Account, which provides many useful collecting, trading and deckbuilding features and removes ads!
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- Location:
- United States - Oregon
- Score:
2 (100%)
2 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 09-Sep-2021 06:30
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Member of:
- Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio
Hello MTG Community,
I am a avid-MTG fan who has been playing on/off for many years. My main enjoyment in MTG comes from drafting booster boxes and/or focusing on my peasant cube.
My wishlist is current and updated. However, feel free to send me any and all offers. My inventory is updated to reflect every card I own. Feel free to send me offers from what you see on there if there is something specific you want. Maybe we can do a deal.
I am a avid-MTG fan who has been playing on/off for many years. My main enjoyment in MTG comes from drafting booster boxes and/or focusing on my peasant cube.
My wishlist is current and updated. However, feel free to send me any and all offers. My inventory is updated to reflect every card I own. Feel free to send me offers from what you see on there if there is something specific you want. Maybe we can do a deal.
Sign up and log in to see what cards in your wishlist this user can trade with you.