Geoff (Avon)Premium User
- Location:
- United States - New York - Rochester
- Score:
1219 (100%)
769 1 0 450 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 30-Dec-2024 11:15
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Ships sold cards to:
- United States
User Bio
I am typically only interested in trading for foils in NM condition, which I use TCGplayer.com's definition of (https://i.imgur.com/ZDKt9RO.png).
All of my cards are sleeve-playable unless they are flagged "Poor" condition.
Ask for pictures. I think you will find cards I have graded in the played categories to be satisfactory for your collection in most cases.
All of my cards are sleeve-playable unless they are flagged "Poor" condition.
Ask for pictures. I think you will find cards I have graded in the played categories to be satisfactory for your collection in most cases.
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