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Last seen online:
17-Aug-2024 19:09
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Foil Traders, Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio
Hello, welcome. I am getting back into trading again so feel free to send some trade offers! My wish list and trade list should be reasonably accurate. Feel free to request images or anything like that, I'll probably do it automatically on my own to make sure it looks good when I send it if it's anything other than NM.

For those Korean language card enthusiasts out there... Maybe you can be that one person super excited about a Korean Sliver Hivelord. Other than that most of my stuff is English and I prefer English cards unless it's Russian bear cards because I love the flavor.

For those interested I run the list of bear cards on tappedout. So I'm always interested in any wonky bear cards, Russian bears, or signed bear cards.

Anyways, feel free to propose something and we can discuss the deets.
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