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United States - California - Beaumont
222 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
14-Nov-2024 21:51
Will trade cards:
Member of:
MTG California, Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio
I play Commander and have an EDH Battle Box Cube that I use to teach new players how to play. If you're interested, here is the link to the battle box:

As a general rule, I prefer cards that have a black border and modern card frame. I really like cards with extended/borderless art but I usually avoid foils.

I don't enjoy stressing out about whether something is near mint or slightly played. I treat my cards very well, but essentially every single one has seen play in one of my decks or cubes. If you care, I'm happy to confirm any condition, or send pictures of a card. But unless you say something or your profile mentions you care about condition, I'll mostly just send cards if they in the NM/SP range. I'll always try to be clear if something is beyond just slightly played.

I have many low cost, but still solid multiplayer-focused cards and am happy to do some lower-value trading. Feel free to open up a trade!
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