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Christopher Davis (BobTheLawyer)
United States - North Carolina - Cary
10 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
21-Jul-2021 15:50
Will trade cards:
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User Bio
Currently only interested in Commander

My current commander deck is a Gahiji control deck, to try to fix the lack of creatures in my group's meta.
Working on a janky deck on the side.
I also have an elf deck and a Phelddagrif grouphug deck I occasionally run.

I am very happy to do trades of any size.  Paying $.50 for a stamp is much cheaper than paying over $1 for a card.

My wants are a bit specific.  While I have a lot on my want list, I'm usually hesitant to give up much unless the trade involves a card I flagged as important.

I typically trade in the US, but I am up for looking into trading to other places.  Depending on shipping cost, the trade may need to be slightly larger than what I'd usually accept.

Most of my cards are listed as Near Mint, but all should be assumed to be Lightly Played, unless specified as lower.
I will ensure that the card is Lightly Played or better before accepting or making a trade.  If you want to see pictures, I can provide them.
If condition of Near Mint vs Lightly Played matters to you, I am happy to verify the card condition.
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