CARLOS SERRA's profile
- MTG DECKS (79)
Bulk Rares
sta Eldraine
sta Ikoria
sta Kaldheim
sta M21
sta Mythics
sta Strixhaven
sta Theros BD
sta Zen Rising
Comm Legends Cases
sta Comm Legends cs.1
sta Comm Legends cs.10
sta Comm Legends cs.2
sta Comm Legends cs.3
sta Comm Legends cs.4
sta Comm Legends cs.5
sta Comm Legends cs.6
sta Comm Legends cs.7
sta Comm Legends cs.8
sta Comm Legends cs.9
sta Commander Legends
Commander Decks
com Araumi Commander
com Brago Commander
com Brudiclad Commander
com Chainer Commander
com Ezuri Commander
com Faldorn Commander
com Feather Commander
com Firkraag Commande
com Ghalta Commander
com Ghen Commander
com Ghired Commander
com Harald Commander
com Imoti Commander
com Kangee Commander
com Karador Commander
com Klothys Commander
com Kyler Commander
sta Lathiel Commander
com Legolas Commander
com Liesa Commander
com Miirym Commander
com Muldrotha Commander
com Nalia Commander
com Niv Parun Commander
com Queen Allenal Commander
com Raff Commander
com Runo Stromkirk Commander
com Saheeli Commander
com Sythis Commander
com Tatyova Commander
com Wyleth Commander
com Xenagod
com Yargle and Multani
com Yuriko Commander
com Aesi Commander
sta Aminatou Commander
com Anje Commander
com Astarion Commander
com Atla Paladin Commander
com Atraxa Commander
com Breeches+Malcolm Commander
com Burakos Commander
sta Fynn Commander
com Go-Shintai Commander
sta Ikoria case
com Isshin Commander
com Jetmir Commander
sta Kaldheim cs. 1
sta Kaldheim cs. 2
sta Kaldheim cs. 3
com Krenko Commander
com Kumena Commander
sta MH2
sta Rares
com Rin and Seri Commander
com Sephara Commander
sta Specs & Holds
com Syr Konrad Commander
sta Time Spiral Remastered
com Voja Commander