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Last seen online:
24-Jan-2016 18:55
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User Bio
Hello! Welcome to Cards Without Borders, a charity project focused on raising money for Doctors Without Borders, by way of Magic card trading/speculation.

The way this works is: I will spend all year trading from this binder. At the end of the year, I will sell off the contents, with 100% of the proceeds (not just the profits, I mean every penny!) going to Doctors Without Borders, who dispense medical aid around the world.

Rules for the project:
1. CWB will trade for literally any card (or related M:tG item such as tokens, planes, schemes, dice, etc.), as long as the trade ultimately helps the final cashout value.
2. I cannot mix trades between this binder and my own personal tradestock. This is easy to enforce on Deckbox (I simply don't list my own stuff), so this mainly applies to IRL trades.
3. I will give my honest best effort to trade with the CWB binder's best interest in mind, as measured by final cashout value.
4. If someone asks to buy cards from the binder, those proceeds will be recorded and used to either pay shipping expenses, saved for the final donation, or to buy additional cards for the binder as opportunities arise.
5. I cannot personally trade with CWB. Luckily there's almost no cards I need myself (being primarily a draft player), so this won't be hard to enforce.
6. Final cashout will be conducted on December 18, 2016, exactly one year from the project's start.

Thanks for reading! If you would like to help out, why not start a trade?
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