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Christian Fruto (Cfruto)
United States - Washington - Aberdeen
23 (96%)  - 
Last seen online:
26-Apr-2017 20:30
Will trade cards:
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User Bio
Hi! I'm Chris I have not used deckbox in over a year and decided that I should try it out again. I live in a small town in Washington and trading is scarce here.

I will always let you know if i no longer have a card on my tradelist. i have a lot of cards and do trading with friends so please bare with me.

I play a lot of EDH and Modern so I am always looking for staples in those.

If I dont get a response in 2 or 3 days, I will assume you are not interested and cancel the trade.

If condition is of utmost importance to you please let me know and I can send pictures and or tell you what condition my cards are in. I'm usually not super worried about condition. I always throw cards in sleeves when I play with them anyway.
99% of my cards are in Mint/Near Mint
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