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Matthew Beddia (Chiodos100)
Canada - Ontario - Woodbridge
54 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
07-Feb-2016 14:39
Will trade cards:
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User Bio
I used to play a lot of MTG, but regrettably quit about 2 years ago. Trying to get back into it again.

I generally use the median prices from TCG to value the cards for trades.

I'm new, so I don't mind shipping first, though I'd appreciate simul-send if at all possible. As long as you have a good amount of ratings and reviews, there is no issue. Also, i've filed for mail fraud before and been successful, so let's not have to get to that point. This is a hobby and for fun, let's not do anything dumb.

I'm starting from Khans on. So if you need any commons/uncommons from that set and forward, I most likely have them.

I offer A LOT of trades at any given time. Also I do a lot of trades at my LGS. So I may no longer have a card that I have offered to you. So if my offer is accepted and I no longer have the card, unfortunately there's not much I can do at this point and will not be held responsible for that trade. I do my best to try to keep my list and offers up to date. Please understand.
If two trades are accepted at the same time involving the same card, I will give priority to the deal that was agreed upon first.
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