Matthew Rogers (ConsumerOfUnborn)
- Location:
- United States - Kentucky - Morganfield
- Score:
13 (100%)
13 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 23-Aug-2013 09:18
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Member of:
- Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio
I'm somewhat new to magic (started playing in December 2012).
The cards that I'm currently looking for are going towards an all black deck.
I am willing to negotiate a fair deal if my offer isn't to your liking.
I don't care much for foil cards and prefer cheaper versions.
I request that the cards be in good playable condition (preferably close to mint). I will provide pictures of whatever cards I will trade upon request to confirm their conditions.
The cards that I'm currently looking for are going towards an all black deck.
I am willing to negotiate a fair deal if my offer isn't to your liking.
I don't care much for foil cards and prefer cheaper versions.
I request that the cards be in good playable condition (preferably close to mint). I will provide pictures of whatever cards I will trade upon request to confirm their conditions.
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