BRANDON 's profile
- MTG DECKS (84)
mod Mana Base
sta =Card list=
sta Want List
On the Bench
sta Araumi
sta Breena politics
sta Burn the Hatch
sta Grothama
com Karametra - Headed to the Fields
sta Kykar Polymorph
sta mARCHESA AGRO 6/22
sta Marchesa Robots
sta Mardu combat
sta death's shadow
sta Foothills
sta Grixis Death
sta Scales GR
sta Yawg
Modern Proxy
sta Modern blade
sta Niv pioneer
EDH Tests
com Amin...Ahh..Flippin, my 2 cents
sta Cycle niv
com Grothama, Eat em UP!
com Kira
vin Marchesa, rise from the Dead
com Morphing Poker Style
sta niv
com Niv Cycle
sta NIV End v2
vin NIV PRototype 2
sta Tribal 5c
Modern Tests
mod Blue Moon
mod Electrodominance
sta FlickerModern
leg Niv modern (Old)
sta Planeswalkers
mod Red
sta UW Spirits
sta Winota
Pioneer Tests
sta Cycling
pio Doom
pio Feather
pio Feather Fun
pio GY stuff
pio Izzet Arclight
pio Mono Black/blue?
sta Narset
sta Pioneer yarok
sta Possibility storm
sta U/W Heroic
pio UW Spirits
sta 4c Modular
com Artifact
sta Codie
sta Colfenor
sta colfenor 23
sta Copy of Volrath - Shady Damage proc
sta Dalh
sta Goad
sta Hug and love
sta Ishan
sta Kadena
sta Morph
sta ninja
sta ninja 2
sta Ninja3
sta ninja4
sta Oskar
sta Raffine
sta sim
sta volr
sta Volrath new
sta Volrstghhj
sta vs 4c modular
Brandon (Ctwizzle12)
- Location:
United States - Oregon - Portland
- Score:
283 (100%) -
282 1 0
1 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 30-Aug-2024 18:16
- Will trade cards:
- My Continent
- Ships sold cards to:
- United States
- Member of:
- MTG Market, Reddit MTG Trades, EDH traders, Portland

User Bio
Long time Magic player in and out for several years. I am here to enjoy the game and help others do the same. Trade with honor and integrity and feel free to send me any requests. Keep the love of the game going and it is a pleasure to meet all of you other spell slingers!
I like to do PWE <$50 and tracking/bubble for more than $50
I like to do PWE <$50 and tracking/bubble for more than $50