- Location:
Canada - Ontario - Toronto
- Score:
73 (97%) -
75 1 2
- Last seen online:
- 02-Nov-2014 22:25
- Will trade cards:
- Worldwide
- Member of:
- Canadian Traders, Toronto Traders, Reddit MTG Trades

User Bio
Not listed in my tradelist but also for trade are:
Garruk, Caller of Beasts Emblem Token
IDW Comics Promos (Standstill, Treasure Hunt, Faithless Looting, Consume Spirit, Arrest, Feast of Blood, Electrolyze) channelfireball prices
99x of something in my tradelist means these care are low priority. They can be used as filler in trades but I generally won't trade for them specifically.
Garruk, Caller of Beasts Emblem Token
IDW Comics Promos (Standstill, Treasure Hunt, Faithless Looting, Consume Spirit, Arrest, Feast of Blood, Electrolyze) channelfireball prices
99x of something in my tradelist means these care are low priority. They can be used as filler in trades but I generally won't trade for them specifically.