Raven (DoubleCorvid)
User Bio
I like to trade :)
Please leave your side of the trade blank when starting a trade. Thank you in advance.
I confirm prices using TCGPlayer Market. If that's an issue, please let me know.
Cards/trades less than $20 will be in PWE. Anything over $20 with be in a bubble mailer with tracking.
If I initiate the trade, I send first. If you initiate the trade, you send first.
Cards that aren't worth much that I am always collecting:
FNM Renegade Rallier
Pre-release Fathom Mage
Lorwyn Spawnwrithe
Foil Mina Harker Thalia
Please leave your side of the trade blank when starting a trade. Thank you in advance.
I confirm prices using TCGPlayer Market. If that's an issue, please let me know.
Cards/trades less than $20 will be in PWE. Anything over $20 with be in a bubble mailer with tracking.
If I initiate the trade, I send first. If you initiate the trade, you send first.
Cards that aren't worth much that I am always collecting:
FNM Renegade Rallier
Pre-release Fathom Mage
Lorwyn Spawnwrithe
Foil Mina Harker Thalia
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