JOSHUA 's profile
- MTG DECKS (76)
2 headed giant
mod 2 Headed Giant Support
leg Blue/ white
vin G/B Mana ramp
leg G/W < 3
vin Sygg, River Guide
EDH Commander
vin Competitive Kaalia of the Vast
leg EDH Kaalia replaceable cards
vin Kaalia of the Vast
vin Kaalia Proxies to make
vin Kaalia Staples
vin Marchesa Competitive EDH
vin Marchesa Staples
vin Marchesa, the Black Rose EDH Finished
vin Omnath Locus Of Rage EDH
vin Scion of Ur-Dragon Competitive
vin Scion of Ur-Dragon Someones build
mod Sen Triplets EDH
sta 7 win 2 loss M2021
sta Not done yet
Tiny Leader Commander
Training Decks
mod Lesson 1: Creatures
mod Lesson 2: Sorcery Spells
mod Lesson 3: Instants
mod Lesson 4: Enchantments
mod Lesson 5: Enchanting Auras
mod Lesson 6: Planeswalkers
mod Lesson 7: Artifacts
mod Lesson 8: Non-basic Lands
mod Lesson 9: Tap Abilities
sta Training Deck 1: Green Ramp
sta Training Deck 2: Red Aggro
sta Training Deck 3: Whte Lifegain
sta Training Deck 4: Black Death
sta Training Deck 5: Blue Counters
sta arena sealed m20
mod Atarka Prerelease
leg Common Deck
sta Common Deck
sta Donalds
sta draftTheros Beyond Death
leg Eldrazis
vin Equipment
leg G/W Quick
sta Ikoria Sealed 7/2
sta Ikoria Sealed deck 1
sta Ikoria Sealed deck 2
sta Ikoria Sealed deck 3
mod Innistrad + SOI
mod Kaladesh Pre-release 2 Headed
leg Kor Spirtdancer/ enchantments
mod M13 Sealed
leg Modern Colorless
leg Modern Tournament Colorless
mod Mr. Death
sta MTG ARENA draft Red/blue
sta MTG ARENA Sealed (wub)
mod OGW 2headed Giant 6th
mod R/B Minotaur Budget
sta rr
sta Sealed Theros Beyond Death
mod SOI RWB Sealed
mod SOI/INN GW Humans
mod Standard
mod Standard coco
mod Standard G/W tokens
leg Test
leg Trade Binder
leg Unearth Death
mod W/G Enchant Standard
mod ww GBU Sealed
mod ww sealed pool GWB
mod ww sealed pool GWB 2