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Andrew (Epiphanyplx)
Premium User
United States - Virginia - Richmond
569 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
03-Oct-2024 23:11
Will trade cards:
My Continent
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******* ONLY TRADING RL FOR RL *******

I prefer to pick my side of the trade so if you want something from me just toss it on your side and propose and I will look at your tradelist.

I normally ship everything ~$40-$50 and above in padded envelopes with tracking but otherwise am fine with PWE.

I love trading and don't mind searching lists for value if you don't have anything on my wishlist - however, I take into account age of card, likelihood of being reprinted, etc. so won't accept all trades offered.

I have swapped to using TCG pricing now that it's been added to deckbox.

I have a #84/100 Glittering Caves of Aglarond/Gemstone Caverns possibly for trade.

Thanks for reading: let's trade!
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