FLAKTHEFOX's profile
- MTG DECKS (131)
com (Hx)Bello(139.07) - One Raccoons Trash...
com (Hx)Hazezon($13.90) - Just Deserts
com (Hx)Magus Lucea - Tyranid Hive
com (Hx)ObekaOTJ($151.39) - Undercity Empress
com (Hx)Sefris ($241.87) - Dungeon Crawler
com Chiss-Goria(76.35) - Maximum Meltdown
com Gaddock Teeg($196.14) - "No."
com Ghave($218.24), Guru of Spores
com Isshin($29.01) - Musashi's Mosh Pit
com Kathril
com Marath Stax($346.38)
com Neheb($648.60), the Eternal
com Uril ($90.98) - ROCK YOU LIKE A H-URIL-CANME
Ideas/Potential Decks
(cEDG)Unfun + Powerful
R - Red
UG - Simic
com Adrix and Nev ($148.74) - Fractal Mirror
sta Aesi($153.50) - Ouroboros, Time Spiral
sta Edric($799.22) - Vanguard of Time
com Ivy ($128.49) - A Practical Guide to Identity Thieft
com Kinnan($1,237.84) - Kinnans House of Mirrors
com Koma ($249.62) - NO STEP ON SNEK
com Kumena($300.52) - Fish Inc.
sta Lonis($322.84)
com Sakashima/East Kodama($868.46) - Lil Saka & The East Tree Boyz
sta Volo($116.46) - A Monsters Guide To Volo
WBG - Abzan
com Animar($1,287.89) - Harvest Animar
com Anje($805.49) - Filter Anje
com Archangel Avacyn($585.11)
com Ardenn/Tana($869.85) - Hipster Stax
com Breeches/Malcolm ($2,259.80) - Welcome to Treasure Island
com Bruse Tarl/Thrasios($2,851.00) - Dawnwaker Thrasios
com Captain N'g ($44.04)
com Chatterfang($347.51), the Infinite
com Child of Alara($168.26) - Lands
com Elsha($1,537.51) - "To Infinity and Beyond"
com Esika($4,493.72)
com Extus ($150.07) - Extucrats
com Giada ($218.58) - Angel Tribal
com Gishath($313.24) - Jurassic Park
com Hepatra($266.30)
com Jeska/Tymna($1,761.19) - Rebirth
com Jhoira($883.87) - Storm the Weatherlight
com K'rrik($1,287.74) - A Faster K'rrik Storm
com Kaalia($2,087.33) - B.A.D Kaalia
com Kalamax($1,443.31) - Breach Kalamax
com Kamahl($229.89)
sta Kibo($313.16) - The Jungle is on Fire
com Korvald($1,853.26), Fae-Cursed King - Korvalds Treasure Storm
com Krark + Sakashima($607.57) - Siskel and Ebert
com Lavinia($986.22) - Omen Pool
com Malcolm/Tana($1,967.35) - Temur Pirates
com Meren of Clan Nel Toth($125.48) - Honorless Meren
com Neyith($145.93) - The Savagelands
com Niv-Mizzet($350.87), Parun
com Octavia ($98.78)
com Omnath RG($855.39)
com Orvar($1,036.31) - Twitch Control
com Prosper($683.61) - Doomscrolling
com Rakdos($653.16) - Lord of Big Free Stuff
com Selvala - Brostorm($283.73)
com Selvala($215.46) - Twiddlestorm
com Shorikai($11,894.56) - Pacific Poly
com Sisay($463.64) - Sisay Elk 2022
com Teysa($645.70)
com The Locust God($1,033.79)
com Tymna/Tana($1,337.97) - Bloodpod
com Urtet ($152.39) - Myr Tribal
com Wayta($123.24) - Belligerent Bootcamp
com Wilhelt ($285.62) - Bone Daddy
sta Yarok($335.28) - Land-horroricon
com Yisan($262.09) - Wanderers Song
Serious Ideas
com (Hx)Araumi ($339.28) - To Drown the World in Death
com (Hx)Ezuri ($269.66) - Compleation Claw
com (Hx)Ghryson($37.95) - Triple Threat
com (Hx)Karlov($324.30) - Death, then Taxes
com (Hx)Magar($160.95) - String Theory
com (Hx)Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might ($135.45) - Scorched Earth
com (Hx)RikuOTJ(99.60) Spoiled for Choice
com Aeve($83.11) - Devoted to Slime
com Arcades($62.20) - 'Nobody has the intention of building a wall'
com Atla Palani($141.47), Nest Tender
com Balan($307.31) - One-Punch Woman
com Be'lakor($285.10) - Vicarious
com Chulane($482.43) - iCameo
com Feather($174.22), the Sunforged
com Galazeth($128.17)
com Galea($335.29), Hope of Voltron
com Hinata($793.40)
com Indominus Rex($411.17) - You Asked for More Teeth
com Jeska/Ishai($1,869.81) - Jeskai
com Jetmir ($110.22) - Chonky Kitty Win Game
com Liesa($536.96) - Change of Heart
com Light-Paws($182.96) - Earn your 9th Tail
com Marisi($1,588.19) - First Rule of Goad Club
com Miirym($426.28)
com Muldrotha ($1,913.99) - Gravetide Value Train
com Nine-Fingers Keene ($259.73)
com Obeka($394.08)
com Omnath($741.76)
com Pako and Haldan($2,001.45)
com Rin and Seri($142.79) - Animal Shelter
com Rionya($1,299.32) Infinite Dance
com Rowan() - Scion of War Storm
com Skullbriar() - the Protected
com Sythis($83.89) - Draw like the Gods Intended
com Tayam($211.33) - The Luminous Grindstone
com Veyran($55.38) - Spellharmonicon
com Voja($221.78) Voja is Not OK!
com Winota($516.06) - Snowball Stax
com Yeva($138.17) - Draw-Grow
com zaxara($411.08)
Old Decks
mod G/R Goggles
mod #1 Abzan Lifegain
mod #2 Mardu Aggro
mod #3 Temur Dragons
mod #4 Temur Dragons 2
mod #5 R/G
mod #6 Atarka Red
mod #7 Atarka Red 2
mod #8 Atarka Red 3
sta (Notyetadded)Azlask()
sta Possible Standard Deck (Sultai Reani)
sta Urtet 2