- Location:
- United States - California - Fullerton
- Score:
10 (100%)
10 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 27-Apr-2015 09:30
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Member of:
- Reddit MTG Trades, MTG California
User Bio
I always do toploaders and penny sleeves. I do regular envelope for less than $50, padded envelope and confirmation for $50+.
I'm usually reluctant to trade down because I want to save most of my fun cards for a cube one day, but pitch me an offer and we'll see!
Also looking for Zendikar full art basic lands.
I always do toploaders and penny sleeves. I do regular envelope for less than $50, padded envelope and confirmation for $50+.
I'm usually reluctant to trade down because I want to save most of my fun cards for a cube one day, but pitch me an offer and we'll see!
Also looking for Zendikar full art basic lands.
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