- MTG DECKS (41)
Concept Decks
com Azusa
sta Dinosaurs
com Firestarter
com Galadriel
com Loot
com Yargle Bargle
D Decks
leg Basic Black SP
leg Elves MP
leg Exalted MP
leg Goblins SP
mod Legion SP
leg Naya MP
leg Super Efficient White SP
leg U/B Control SP
D EDH Decks
com Kalemne
com Lord Windgrace
com Raksha
com Ramos
Family Decks
com Niv-Mizzet
mod Population Control
leg Rin and Seri
J Decks
vin 20 Bolt
vin Colorless Eldrazi
leg Demons
vin Elf Warriors
mod Mono White Life
mod Simic Adaptation
vin Vehicles
com Akiri Equipment
com Akroma // Rogakh
com Anara // Falthis
com Balthor
com Drana and Linvala
com Ivy
com Jenara
com Jenson
com Selvala cEDH
com Tivit
com Yuma
Silver Border Decks
oth Contraption Insantiy
oth Jumbletron
Jimmy Gaylord (FunkmasterG)
Premium User
- Location:
United States
- Score:
0 (100%) -
0 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 06-Mar-2025 01:10
- Will trade cards:
- Not Trading
- Member of:
- Badgerland Magic
User Bio
I play Commander, Modern, and casual Legacy. I'm not using DeckBox for trading, but if you find something in my inventory that you are interested in, let me know and maybe we can work it out.