- Location:
United States - Texas - Dallas
- Score:
38 (100%) -
19 0 0
19 0 0
- Last seen online:
- 11-Sep-2018 06:31
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Ships sold cards to:
- United States
- Member of:
- MTG Market, DFW Mages

User Bio
All the cards are in almost perfect condition unless marked as otherwise.
For selling cards I have a 15 minimum just so it's worth the time and effort.
Feel free to start a trade for something you want, even if you don't have anything on my wishlist!
Will trim rune armor for 500 gp.
^not really though
All the cards are in almost perfect condition unless marked as otherwise.
For selling cards I have a 15 minimum just so it's worth the time and effort.
Feel free to start a trade for something you want, even if you don't have anything on my wishlist!
Will trim rune armor for 500 gp.
^not really though