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Last seen online:
31-Dec-2015 19:14
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Reddit MTG Trades
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Looking to trade into modern Splinter Twin.

Just looking for even trades to get into the format. I'm looking for relatively high value trades ($50+) to justify the cost of shipping so anyone who has concerns with me being a new account can look me up on Reddit (/u/GodWithAShotgun) to at the very least know that I'm an active member of the MTG community and have been for a while. I am new to trading over long distances, so just let me know any concerns/tips you have and we can try to work something out.

I plan to ship in a toploader inside a bubblewrapped envelope with tracking, as per the FAQ.

The cards I have are likely SP, since I have played with them all at one time or another. I tried to mark the ones that are more than that, but I'll be happy to send scans/photographs of any of the cards people are interested in.
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