- MTG DECKS (87)
Hall of Fame
sta Creatures & Spells
oth Legends
Retired Decks
vin EDH 2019 - Atemsis
vin EDH 2019 - Emmara
vin EDH 2019 - Kadena
leg EDH 2019 - Kestia
vin EDH 2019 - Kumena
vin EDH 2019 - Kumena 2
vin MOD - Hags
leg OATH - Kasmina & Polymorphist's Jest
sta STA - Merfolk
sta STA - Simic 2.0
com EDH 2021 - Kestia
com EDH 2021 - Kumena
sta OATH - Calix
pau PAUP - Tethmos High Priest
sta PAUP 2022
com EDH - Kumena
com EDH - Yennett
oat OATH - Dihada
pau PAUP - Heroic
Casual Decks
leg Clerics
leg Flash! Faeries, part 2
leg Hags Control
Commander Decks
In Progress
sta EDH - Imoti
com EDH 2021 - Kestia: Heroic
com EDH 2021 - Sythis
Standard Decks
mod Artisan of Forms
mod Artisan of Forms 2.0
leg Braids, Conjurer Adept
leg Damia, Sage of Stone
mod Dryads (Pauper)
leg EDH - Kaseto
leg EDH - Kestia
com EDH - Maeve
vin EDH 2019 - Alela
leg Faeries
leg Flash! Faeries
leg Gorgons 2.0
leg Gorgons/Vraska
leg Hags
mod Hapatra 2018
leg Jalira, Master Polymorphist
leg Kaho, Minamo Historian
mod Kaho, Minamo Historian
leg Kaseto, Orochi Archmage
mod Liliana of the Dark Realms Deck
mod Liliana Vess 2.0
leg Liliana Vess Deck
mod Liliana Vess of the Dark Veil
sta Marchesa, the Black Rose
leg Meren
leg Merfolk Deck
leg My First Red Deck
leg OATH 2019 - Vivien
mod Oona, Queen of the Fae
vin Pharika, God of Affliction
leg Pharika/Gorgon Deck
mod Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro
mod Selesnya
vin Sharuum the Hegemon
vin Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
mod Simic
mod Simic (Dragon's Maze)
mod Simic Pre-Release Deck
leg Snake Deck
leg Snake Deck
mod Spider Deck
sta STA - Simic
mod Talrand 3.0
mod Talrand Deck
mod Talrand/Tamiyo
mod Vampire (red)
leg Vorel of the Hull Clade
mod W/U Humans
mod Wither
User Bio
I'm a relatively new Magic player. I started in the summer of 2011, and have been hooked ever since. I play casually with my boyfriend and various circles of friends (who we've all gotten addicted to the game).
I'm a big creature fan, and most of my decks cater to creatures rather than instants or sorceries. My favorite creature types are Hags, Sphinxes, Merfolk, Faeries, and Gorgons.
I typically sell any rare cards that are worth anything and that I don't fancy, but I'm open to trading as well. :)
I'm a big creature fan, and most of my decks cater to creatures rather than instants or sorceries. My favorite creature types are Hags, Sphinxes, Merfolk, Faeries, and Gorgons.
I typically sell any rare cards that are worth anything and that I don't fancy, but I'm open to trading as well. :)