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Brant Miller (Harmlar)
United States - Pennsylvania - Greenville
33 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
02-May-2020 03:02
Will trade cards:
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User Bio
Hello! I'm looking to trade with anyone, no trade is too small!

If anyone is interested in just buying my cards, they are all for sale!

Disclaimer: All of my cards are not NM by default.  If card condition is an issue to you please ask, I'd be happy to check for you.  I'll alert you to the condition of all of my cards before we agree on a trade, but I won't be held accountable for Deckbox marking all of my cards as NM.

I price my trades by mtgprice, the now default prices are too inaccurate for my liking.

I often make multiple offers with the same card(s), so whoever accepts first will get them.

I only trade shocklands for other shocklands or fetchlands.
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