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Robert C. (Heeltoeclutch)
United States - California - San Diego
12 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
18-Sep-2022 16:54
Will trade cards:
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Currently living in Southern California. I'll trade within the US or can meet in the San Diego area.

Play Modern, EDH, and silly janky things. If you have French cards, I'll trade for them!

Unless requested otherwise, shipping for lower-value trades will be with sleeve & Toploader in standard envelope. $20-25+ will be bubble mailer, more will warrant insurance.

- I love French cards and play most all types of control decks; let me know of any controlly UBRW French cards you have and I will almost certainly be interested.

- I will respond to communication/trades within a max of 48 hours, usually within 12 hours. I'd appreciate responsiveness on your end as well :)

- Nearly all of my cards are NM; however I will always double-check condition before we finalize a trade.

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