Hyun Jeong (Hyunion)
- Location:
- United States - New York - Plainview
- Score:
102 (99%)
99 0 0 4 0 1
- Last seen online:
- 01-Dec-2024 15:09
- Will trade cards:
- My Country
- Ships sold cards to:
- United States,
- Member of:
- Reddit MTG Trades, Northwestern University, MTG Market
User Bio
- I will ship to anywhere in the United States and Canada
- All cards valued over 2$ are shipped in top loaders, the rest are shipped in plastic sleeves.
- If you have less than 5 positive rating, I request that you send your cards first.
- I'm also open to selling any of my cards at around 80% tcgplayer low
- All cards valued over 2$ are shipped in top loaders, the rest are shipped in plastic sleeves.
- If you have less than 5 positive rating, I request that you send your cards first.
- I'm also open to selling any of my cards at around 80% tcgplayer low
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