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Nick Seivane (IamMagic916)
United States - California - Elk Grove
14 (93%)  - 
Last seen online:
01-Sep-2020 07:35
Will trade cards:
Nick Seivane has been found to be a scammer. If you have lost cards or money because of this user, please see our help page on filing for mail fraud.
User Bio
I only just discovered this amazing website (and just how useful it really is,) as of March 2020. I am slowly but surely cataloging my collection, but it is going to take awhile since i have another 1000+ (mostly the $3 and under Mythics, Rares and Uncommons) to catalog and should I end up doing commons its another few thousand. If you dont already use this combo, check out the Delver Lens app, it will save you HOURS AND HOURS of time entering each card by scanning up to 9 cards at a time simultaneously, then you can export list straight in to the add card lost on here! Alls thats left is changing quantity and sometimes edition or whatever. Anyways, last but not least, as i said im new to deckbox, but nowhere close to new to the world of card trading and selling. Ill link my facebook trades/sales reference thread here :
Thanks for reading all this, lets make some trades!!
8/5/20 I am currently working Bruse Tarl/Tana "Kumite, Fight for your life"  My main wants are to finish have collecting the staples for CEDH decks (i.e. carpet of flowers, sylvan library etc..
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