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Brandon Blackwood (IceBearSenpai)
United States - Virginia - Weyers Cave
2 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
25-Jul-2023 22:40
Will trade cards:
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User Bio
Looking to de-foil a lot of my modern collection to have the ability to play a wider variety of decks and have less money tied up in the hobby. I'm totally cool sending first if that's what you require, I know I don't have a ton of rep on here, but I've done a fair bit of trades between facebook and discord servers. Optimally would like to trade RL for RL unless it's other high priority stuff I'm looking for! Don't be afraid to shoot requests my way if there's something you're looking for, I'm always down to look through binders!

Also always hunting for signed cards for my various decks. Projects I'm currently working on include:
Modern - BG Yawgmoth
Pioneer - Lotus Field
Commander - Meren

Cool with PWE <$50~
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