JGARTISTRY's profile
- MTG DECKS (59)
com 2025 wishlist
com Active Grand Larceny, Gonti
com Active Miracle Worker Precon
com Active Pirate's Life for Me
com Active Tergrid discard
com Active, spellsling NEEDS WORK more burn
com Active, Vampires
com Active, Yarok ETB triggers, need responses to elesh
com Boros Angels?
sta Cards Cole is borrowing
com Fallen Angels
com IDEA Celestine V1
com IDEA Celestine V2
com IDEA Holy target's batman
com IDEA Jolene, the Plunder Queen
com IDEA loot 1 cascade
com IDEA Loot 2 Chaos
com IDEA Loot 3 Kitchen Sink
com IDEA Ojer mono red
com IDEA old sticks
com IDEA ovika
com IDEA Roxanne 1 xta cmbt
com IDEA Roxanne 2 ramp crime
com IDEA Roxanne 3 Ramp burn
com IDEA Talion 1 slug/wheel
com IDEA Talion 2 Life drain faries
com IDEA Talion 3 Mill reanimate
com IDEA V2 Yarok
com Karador, enchanting style
com Karador, playing it straight
com Lavinia list possib 1
com Lavinia list possib 2
com Lavinia list possib 3
com Merieke Blink
sta Mila
com Monarch flicker ide $$$
oat Oath Ashiok, Sculptor
oat Oath Basri's Indestructible
oat Oath Jace’s oath
oat Oath of Milling
oat Oath of the Monk
oat Oath of the Wanderer
sta orzhov artistocrats
com pirate v 2?
com Pirates v2
com Possible chandra edh
com TORN Dragons Walk These Planes
com TORN Esper Artifact Flying
com TORN Mystic Intellect, jeskai precon
com TORN Nicol Bolas' Dragon army (dragon's v.2)
com TORN Paladia Mors/Reinne
com TORN Poisonous Earth, Melira mono green
com TORN Primal Genesis precon
com TORN Riku Commander WIP
com TORN, Sephara, Sky's Blade
sta Vamp Scratchpad
com WIP Golgari
com WIP orzhov angels
com Yarok SB