JAYSHERMAN's profile
- MTG DECKS (75)
Canadian Highlander
vin McGoblins by Mac
vin Sultai Good Stuff?
leg Forgotten Orb
leg ANT Storm
leg Belcher Chancellor
leg Burn (budget)
leg Delver Breach
leg Dredge
leg Jeskai Breach
leg Lands
leg Manaless Dredge
leg Oops! All Spells
leg Prowess Burn
sta Ruby Storm 2023
leg Ruby Storm w/Intuition
leg Ruby Storm w/Reforge the Soul
leg TES
Listas random
sta Cartas de cubo prioritarias
sta Pedido
sta Potenciales Cubo Pauper
sta Prioritarias para comprar
sta Prioritarias reservadas
sta Vintage Cube
leg 12-Bolt
mod Ad Nauseam
leg Mono Red Prowess
leg Mono Red Prowess GP Minneapolis
leg 1-drop Black
pau 1-Land Spy
sta 2025-02 Dimir Madness
pau Black Gardens
leg Bogles
leg Bogles all in
sta Bonde's Black Aggro
pau BR Reanimator
leg Burn
leg Creatureless Control
pau Cycle Storm (artifact lands)
sta Cycle Storm (no artifact lands)
sta Dark Forest Combo
leg Defender Combo
leg Elves
leg Enchantment Control
pau Evoke
pau Familiars
pau Goblins
leg Jeskai Tokens
leg Kami Lock Pestilence
pau Life
pau Merfolk Sisters
pau Moggwarts Oracle
pau Mono U Mill
leg MonoBlack Control
leg Orzhov Artifact Pestilence
sta Pauperganda's Red-Trip
leg Persistocrats
pau Ponza
pau RG Briar-Goblins
sta Serpent Relay Storm
leg Slivers
leg Suicide Black
leg Tortured Existence
sta Twiddle Storm Scroll
vin UB Delver
leg UB Exhume
leg UB Teachings
leg UGr Tron
sta Vampire Black Burn
pau Weather the Priest
leg White Weenie
leg Zombies
pio UR Prowess
Solo Games