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Jake Ortiz (Jkirchnerortiz)
United States - Illinois
1 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
23-Apr-2013 05:09
Will trade cards:
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Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio

Hello! Just started mtg within the last year so at the current moment mostly standard, i'm looking to grow my modern/legacy collection.

I trade very actively in person (3/4 days of the week), so the list will be very general as it is tedious to constantly change information on cards. I have access to a store's inventory so if i don't have the card just let me know and we can work something out.

Feel free to ask any questions about any card's condition, set, or foil/non-foil

*ALL CARDS FOR TRADE* - Store's website if you're looking to buy/trade in cards, competitive rates and a really good community.
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