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United States - Michigan
81 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
24-Apr-2022 22:26
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Hi there!

I generally am very easy to deal with. I typically will have my cards imported in batches, so the usual grading defaults to NM (I would prefer if it did LP because many cards aren't actually NM).

If card condition is very important to you, please let me know - I am always willing to supply photos.

I don't require any sort of premium in most trades. If I want a standard card, I will pay the standard price. If I want a modern card, I will pay the modern price. My only gripe is having an offer of twenty $1 cards for a $20 card. If a card is under $8-10, I am more lenient on that rule.

I am happy to trade here and make everyone's deck a little more complete!
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