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Mike (Lmnopen)
United States - Illinois - Saint Joseph
44 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
05-Jul-2018 03:52
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A little bit about my trading tendencies, I typically always try to make a trade work, I will spend a lot of time looking through your trade list if we can't agree on something. I am almost always looking for something that I might not have in my wishlist.

I also have friends that I will ask if I can throw some of their stuff in for a trade, so if you see that I don't have much that you want, there is a chance that my friend may. Usually it comes from me looking through your wishlist and knowing what he has.

I am pretty much ALWAYS accepting tokens, if the trade is off by a few dollars and the deal needs sweetening, find what tokens you have, check their average tcg price and let me know. :)

Happy trading.
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