LORD_NECKRO's profile
- MTG DECKS (60)
mod [Arena] Domo Origato,
mod 5 Color Control
mod A Fully Functional Death Star
sta Ballroom Blitz
mod Bant Lightyear
sta Battle Droids
mod Boros Control
leg Chess theme
mod Cool For Cats
mod Creature Conundrum
leg Crocodiles are Assholes
sta Dead Inside
sta Dinosaurs
com double dragon
mod Dragon Apocalypse
sta Drakuseth Blaster
sta Emily Elas
mod Eradicator
mod Faeries are Swell Ladies (and Lads, I Guess...)
mod Feather
mod Fekkin Bugs 2.0
mod Flip it to Rip it
mod Flying Tribal Draft
mod Freaky Fish Guys
mod Fuckin Crazed up in Here
mod Heads Up Jund
mod Ishkanah's Swarm
vin Isperia EDH
mod Jeskai Dragons
mod Jund Savagery
mod Korlash Control
sta Liliana 120-Stack
mod Ludicrous Budget Mono-Blue
mod Luminarch Roadblock
mod M U S H R O O M M U S H R O O M
mod Meteor Shower Dragons
leg Midrange Recursion
com mint
pio MonoU Midrange Fliers
mod MonoW Tempo
mod MonoW Tempo -
mod Mostly-Black Burn
com Nethroi EDH
mod Nyoom Dragon
mod Oboro Mill
mod Overlords
mod Selesnya Tokens
mod Something Something Bant
mod Spellshapers
mod Standard Mono-G Stompy
mod The Coalition
mod The Dogs of Wisdom
mod The Goons
leg The Hedgehog
mod The Mighty Goo
mod The Sky is Falling
mod Token Maniac
mod Waifu Catalogue
mod Waterlogged
sta Witherbloom