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Jonathan H (MTG_Player)
United States - California - Santa Clara
34 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
24-Jul-2021 20:08
Will trade cards:
My Continent
Member of:
MTG California, Legacy Traders, Foil Traders, MTG Market, Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio
I'm a MTG Player just like you (hence the title). I'm here primarily to make trades. I primarily play EDH modern and legacy, so I deal in eternal staples.

I am willing to down / up trade and will take / give value.
I can provide photos of what I'm sending.
If cards are involved in multiple offers the first one accepted gets the card(s)
Please don't downtrade (10 $1 for 1 $10)
The trade is fully accepted once we both confirm our addresses

$15: white envelope, soft + hard sleeve
$25: +tracking
$50: +confirmation
$100: +priority

Inter US: $15
Canada/Mexico: $30
Elsewhere: $50

I collect:
Glory promos (in hebrew)
foregin affinity (mod / leg)
Staples for all formats

Check out my tradelist and send me an offer!
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