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United States - Pennsylvania - Philadelphia
3 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
22-Dec-2023 15:27
Will trade cards:
My Continent
User Bio
Collection Story:
This collection was formed with the input from three players.  Roughly 12 years ago, two of my friends and I decided to combine our collections.  The three of us sporadically contributed to the pooled collection over the last decade.  More recently, I worked with a dealer to trade-in a TON of the bulk for fewer higher value cards.  The collection had been almost unmanageable before.  Now, I have been put in charge of it with 3 missions: (1) obtain EDH/Commander cards for various decks; (2) obtain cards for various modern brews (this is for me); (3) as much as possible, keep the collection fungible so that if one of us wants out/needs cash, it's easily done.

Who I am:
I am a conflicts attorney at a large law firm.  This means that I assist other lawyers in making sure that they won't take on cases that would ethically compromise them or our law firm.  I have been playing Magic since 4th Edition (with a brief hiatus in college).  I'm now looking at playing limited on a semi-regular basis and putting together a couple Modern decks. 

Sleeve, top loader, bubble wrap, tracking (and a perfect fit if highly valuable).  I'll make sure to take lots of pictures of the products I am shipping for both your protection and mine!

I'm looking for Modern and EDH/Commander staples.  If you can get me some of my wishlist at the moment, I would be willing to trade away other pieces (again for Modern and EDH staples).  I'm just starting out on the trading scene, so I'm willing to ship first if you have a higher rating than me.
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