releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

Buy on CardKingdom Buy on TcgPlayer
Norway - Oslo
38 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
27-Apr-2017 21:48
Will trade cards:
Member of:
The European MTG League, Trondheim Magic, European Traders
User Bio
Old player returned to try out mtg abit again.

Dont have much refs in here, but will include a link to my old ref-list from the "back in the days place to trade"

The cards i have in my decks are tradeable, but i might not trade them unless i realy like the trade. Same goes for fetches and shocklands i dont have 4+ off.

Looking to compleet my playsets of shocks and fetches.

Collecting Dark Rituals! So if you have any to spare, it will certainly sweeten the deal for me, especialy one of the ones i dont have already. Always looking for foreign ones!
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