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S Marney (Marney)
United States - Virginia - Lebanon
17 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
16-Apr-2014 19:43
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Pretty new to all of this, looking to get back into some standard and always brewing something up for EDH. anything over $30 I'll ship priority, bubble mailer, cardboard and all that good stuff. anything under penny sleeve+top loader in an envelope.

I am not a condition nazi, I'm a player, not a collector. I will let you know if there is ANY condition issues with my cards. if I can sleeve and play with your cards, I am happy. That being said I'm usually not interested in foils or rare stuff; I just want the cards to put in a deck.

If we're a bit a part, I like zendikar lands and will do them at $.50 a pop to even out a trade.
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