- MTG DECKS (85)
EDH Decks
"I replay Plaguecrafter" - Sultai Graveyard
"I Will Now Demonstrate An Infinite Combo" - Blue Artifacts
Acid Reflux - Jund Mana Burn
Adventure Time - Temur Adventures
AristoRATS - Rakdos Rat Sacrifice
Baby's First Proliferation Deck - Blue Counters
Better Dead Than Red - Orzhov Death Triggers
Big Dino Go Beep Beep - Naya Dino Tribal
Big Husky Boys - Colorless Eldrazi
Book Boy - Rakdos Exile Control
Double Trouble for Dirty Decks - Boros Equipment
Dungeon Crawler - Esper Dungeons
Green Beans - Green Counters
Half of Noah's Ark - Simic Creatures
Halo: Angels Evolved - White Angels
Hubris Personified - Wowzer
I'm a SSSSSSnaaaaaaaaake: Sultai Creature Mill
I've Gyatt to Attack - Abzan Tokens
It's Giving... Life - Selesnya Lifegain Tokens
Kicking & Screaming: Gruul Kicker Cards
Kraul Deck Bro - Golgari Sacrifice Counters
Mexico Will Pay For This Deck - Bant Walls
Moist Snake - Simic Landfall
Mommy's Home - White Blink
Monkeying Around - Gruul Monkeys
No Touchy - Black Spike Fort
Ping Pong - Izzet Pingers
Red Dread Duplication - Red DMG Double
Ruin Your Evening - Azorius Stax
Shadow Wizard Money Gang - Jeskai Spells
Sliver, I Hardly Know Her - WUBRG Slivers Tribal
Sucka Da Blood - Rakdos Vamp Tribal
Teen Rouge - Dimir Rouge Tribal
That's Just A Clerical Error - Orzhov Cleric Tribal
Tommy Bahama - WUBRG Saga's
Treasure Trove - Grixis Pirates
Turbo Annihilation - Azorius Tomb
Welcome to Earth - Mardu Human Tribal
Fallout EDH
Jumpstart 2022
Constellation - White
Cruel - Black
Cruel - Black
Cycling - Red
Cycling - Red
Demons - Black
Detective - Blue
Detective - Blue
Detective - Blue
Fangs - Black
Ferocious - Green
Go To School - Blue
Holy - White
Inventive - Blue
Merfolk - Blue
Merfolk - Blue
Morbid - Black
Primates - Green
Rats - Black
Shapeshifters - Blue
Snow - Blue
Spirits - White
Treasure - Red
Zombies - Black
Pioneer Decks
Cube Idea
Pauper Cube Idea