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Matt (Merios)
United States - Illinois - Bethalto
2 (100%)  - 
Last seen online:
24-Aug-2013 14:32
Will trade cards:
Member of:
Reddit MTG Trades
User Bio
My name's Matt, I've been playing Magic since 1996 and collecting since Onslaught (2002) as it was my favorite block (now Scars of Mirrodin / Innistrad tie) and have amassed a modest collection. I'm fairly casual, I don't really play competitively due to my local meta game being extremely expensive and aggressive.

I love Zombies and Artifacts, Blue/Black is my favorite Mana combination and I have a soft spot for mill decks.

I'm engaged to a perfect woman who accepts my addiction perfectly and have a few friends who I've brought into the game. I'm always up for new friends and new playing partners.
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