MIRODIR's profile
- MTG DECKS (130)
vin Breya Precon
sta 5cchaos
mod 8-rack
mod 8Rack for real
mod 8rack2
mod 8rack3
mod 8rackfuckandré
mod Abzan Mimic
mod Ad Nauseam (my budget)
mod Ad Nausem complete
mod Aetherflux
mod Affinity (Budget)
mod AllosaurToolbox
leg Arjun Wishlist
mod Aurelia Helm
leg Baral's Copter
mod Beck's BBE Vision
mod Borderpost andre
mod BR Eldrazi Aggro
leg BR Heartless
mod Budget Emerge
mod BW Tokens AKH Standard
mod BX Eldrazi Zoo
mod Coalition victory for real
sta Communder halfs
mod Copy of 8rack3
mod Copy of 8rack3
mod Copy of Monoblack Zom-pire-drazi
mod Copy of Zada
mod Curse/Pool
mod Cycle
vin Delver Budget
mod Devotion Elves
mod Dubuous
leg Edh chaos
vin EDH Fox already got
leg EDH Fox Tribal
mod elves belcher
mod Esper DrawGO
mod GGTrain
mod Gifted oil
mod GlaDOS
mod Growing Robots
sta GU Merfolk standard
mod GW Hellbent standard
mod Hapatra combo modern
mod Hedron
vin Inverter Maniac
vin Inverter of Wins
mod Izzet Hellbent
vin Jalira Commander
leg Jodah
mod joragaelves
sta Kaalia Wishlist
leg Kaalia Wishlist
vin Lantern Control
mod leyline
mod Lich's Winner
mod Living End
vin Mairsil
leg Marchesa Commander
mod Maze End Modern
vin Mazirek Commander
mod MM3 Sealed
mod Modern Dinos
mod Modern Dinos GR
mod Modern Kalastria
mod Modern Ooze
leg Modern Pharaoh
mod Modern Spirits
leg Modern UR Spells
mod Module
mod Moduletron
leg monob legacy
mod Monoblack Zom-pire-drazi
mod MonoG Treefolk
mod MonoU Baral Sacro
mod MonoU Fairies
mod MonoW Angels
mod monow knights
mod Naya Duotheism Hellbent standard
leg Ninja Commander
leg Nngg
mod Omniscience reanimator
mod Oops All Artifacts
mod Panglacial Statuary
mod Panharmonicontrol Drazi
mod Paradox Modern
mod Pauper Faeries
sta pauper spirits
mod Portal
mod Powerstone Shaping
leg Rakdos Angel
leg RallyX2
mod ratmtg
mod reddeckwinsstandard
sta Revel in Riches MonoB standard
mod robostorm
mod Robot Storm
mod Shamans
vin Shrooms and stuff?
mod Spellslinger
mod Spirits
mod Spirits Ench Toolbox
mod Standard D&T
mod Standard Elves
mod Standard Haterack
mod Standard Lands
mod Standard Paradox/Eggs
mod Standard reanimator never gonna happen
mod Standard Robostorm
mod StandardArtifacts
mod Sultai emerge kld game day
mod Summons
mod Try Me
mod UG Infect super budget
mod UGEmerge
sta UR Dynavolt
mod UR Dynavolt
mod UTron
mod UTron Budget
mod Wall ramp
mod Warped devotion
mod Werewolves in Modern
mod Wizard Ramp
mod Zada
sta Zada Modern
mod Zada Modern